Antonov Company
data 16.08.2019 shows 9591

«Antonov Company’s official message»

Keeping reasonable informational policy to avoid sharing of unchecked, unreliable or premature information concerning the enterprise activity as well as taking into consideration public reaction to the tender in Peru, ANTONOV Company informs the following.

On August 12, 2019, the Committee of evaluation of contracts with foreign countries (CECEE) conducted a tender “Program of replacement of AN-32 of National Policy” in the interest of the Ministry of Interior of Peru.

The following companies took part in the tender:

  • Spetstechnoexport with ANTONOV AN-178 aircraft;
  • National Directorate of Armament of Italy with Leonardo C27J aircraft;
  • General Derictorate of Armament and Materials of Spain with Airbus C295M aircraft.

Arising from comparison of the airplanes’ characteristics, guarantees of the biddings the AN-178 presented by Spetstechnoexport became the winner with total points of 80.02 and price of 65 million USD.

In accordance with legislation of Peru, the result of a tender should be approved by the President of Peru.

Proceeding from mentioned above ANTONOV Company asks mass media and bloggers do not share unreliable and/or unchecked information about the tender in Peru. In case of necessity, please, contact ANTONOV Company’s press service for information about the state of the subject

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