Antonov Company
data 25.02.2021 shows 3854

A meeting to consider possibility of development of a domestic heavy strategic strike and reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle was held at ANTONOV Company

On February 23, 2021, a meeting with participation of representatives of UKROBORONPROM SC, Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and about 20 enterprises of aircraft industry of Ukraine aiming to discuss possibility of development of a domestic heavy strategic strike and reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) was held at ANTONOV Company. At present, UAVs of such type are produced by several countries only: USA, Israel, Turkey and China.

The main idea of the meeting is development of innovative product by aircraft industry of Ukraine.

ANTONOV Company and Ivchenko-Progres SE presented their proposals concerning a platform of the future UAV, other enterprises informed about their readiness to take part in the program of the strategic strike UAV to equip it with avionics, reconnaissance systems, to provide strike functions and ground-based control station.

Following the results of discussion, participants of the meeting decided to support the initiative of the UAV development by domestic enterprises of the aircraft industry and to prepare proposals concerning cooperation scheme to realize this program. Besides, it was decided to perform the preliminary design with funds of the enterprises-participants and to present it to MoD of Ukraine and other potential customers.

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