Antonov Company
data 07.02.2020 shows 5379

114th anniversary of Oleg Antonov’s birthday

The 7th of February 2020 is the 114th anniversary of Oleg Antonov’s birthday.

To your attention – video of the ceremony of insertion of his portrait into honourable gallery of International Hall of Fame, San Diego Air & Space Museum – SDASM, held on April 17, 1999.

This Hall was open in 1965 in honour of the most outstanding persons in the history of the global aviation and space innovations. At present, this exposition of the pictorial portraits is placed in Ford Building, which is one of the most outstanding buildings of San Diego. Laureates of the Hall of Fame are defined by a special committee of the Museum and International voters’ council each year. During 55 years 223 outstanding persons of the aerospace field were included into the honourable gallery. General Designer Oleg Antonov was among them.

Oleg Antonov’s portrait for San Diego Museum was painted by American pilot and artist Kirk Craig. There are two master copies. One of them is presented in SDASM and the other one in ANTONOV Company’s Museum in Kyiv.

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